for turbulence
is probably the most common question from passengers.
No-one likes turbulence.
Turbulence is really a term given
to rough air. The problem with turbulence is that we are
unable to see it. Compare an ocean liner sailing on calm seas
as against an ocean liner sailing through stormy weather,
that is rough seas.
The ship will toss and heave caused by the rough
This is exactly what happens to a plane in turbulent (rough)
Turbulent air can be caused by many things as described
on this page.

or large clouds around an airport can also be the cause
of turbulence. Pilots would prefer to fly in clear weather
but unfortunately have to cope with other conditions. The
real worry is very large thunderstorms within 10 nautical
miles from an airport because they can create
turbulence and also windshear.
your pilot will judge it better to wait for takeoff or
perhaps divert and land somewhere else. Your safety is